Wanna write down the good things abt being single
i love the feeling of roaming free........again
here r the top 10 benefits
1) You can flirt/f*ck as u pleaseNo stopping u from being like a casanova
u won't b hearing her jealous voice telling u this gurl is this n tht
fuck it,v r guys.v hv raging hormones that cannot b control
dun control us,v like to know gurls
hving a gf always hamper u from knowing more gurls
cos the bitch always feeling insecure,u can fuck off
2) You can be your own bossComplaining to us football is boring.damn,football is like the greatest game on earth
u know nothing abt balls
Do watever u want without hving to compromise wit her
hving her nagging voice ard is troublesome
u r ur own CEO,u can go to any spa,papaya farm n club without worrying
3) You can focus on your careerOne little less problem,means little less headache
no need 2 go find her,entertain her,sweet talk her
more time to concentrate on your studies or work
oso more time to sleep,hehe
4) You can be spontaneousYou can have more time doin things u like n trying sumting new
joining your buddies playing futsal,hving a drink wit frens,watching movies with ur female frens
Checking out hot gurls n gossiping,talking bad stuff abt the xgf u went out wit.hehe
stop telling us will u still love me if i m fat or ugly?thank GOD my misery is over
v dun like commitments,so stop telling us 2 commit or be wit u 4ever
5) You dun need to deal with her habits anymoreHer annoying habits of goin out on weekend to show off herself even though u r not in the mood
her green monster head rearing out everytime she sees u having a look at other hot chicks
Her ever so mah fan shopping time,phew.pls la
can sleep peacefully without sharing the same bed n hving wet dreams thinking abt some pornstars
no need to go visit her hometown when u dun like goin,but 4 the sake of teman her
no more bullshit from her
6) You have more time for activitiescan spend more time watching the drama u love like prison break,entourage (i love it),heroes
n even some porns
sleep more without hv to answer one of her call to go meet her bcos she is bored or watever shit
hv more time to spend wit your frens as hving gf is like hving a little queen who tells u wat to do n act like a royalty,must oni serve her.solee la
7) You can control your financesyou can hv more money to spend on yourself
love yourself more cos this is wat u r born to do
no more the times u hv to belanja her,fork out the hard earned money 2 please her,go atm tekan tekan until left two digit or hv a hole in ur wallet
say no more to that
wit the money fully yours,do watever u like
spent a little on other girls who r interested 2 go on a date wit u,hehe
no need to call or sms her,save lotsa ur money.waste our time oni
8) You can appreciate your independenceBeing single makes u be more independant n learn more surviving skills (eg cooking)
gurls who sees guys that r independant are a good thing cos they r not desperate or needy
learn more stuff to improve urself so that ur "saham naik" n can fish a salmon instead of an ikan bilis
9) You can gain weight without worryingeat all you want w/o hearing her voice this cannot n that cannot eat.fuck it
v live to eat n not eat to live,ok?
hving one less meal to feed her,eat her part as well.hehe
feel a little better no need 2 think wat to eat 2gether but wat u wanna eat,yeah
10) You don't have to tolerate moodiness & naggingSeeing her face every now n then,makes u wanna leave the place n see an ugly gurl for a fresh start
no more her calling u asking do u miss me or love me.omg,wat kinda questions u want us 2 answer u.v just reluctanly say ya
dun kacau us,v love ourself more than u
i guess all this reasons justify not hving a gf does not mean the end of the world 4 us
V can live w/o you n so much happier